How to Create a Fund
If you are interested in creating your own fund with an initial investment of $25,000, the chart below offers an at-a-glance comparison of options (also available for download in our Current Giving Options brochure). Our different types of funds offer you a choice between permanence and flexibility. Each of these is potentially a tax-advantaged, low-cost alternative to a private foundation. Most importantly, donors are able to access the grantmaking, fiduciary, and community expertise of our experienced professional staff.
We are eager to answer your questions or set up a meeting to discuss a gift.
Please email the Philanthropic Engagement Department or call 585.271.4100.
Gifts to Meet the Changing Needs of Your Community
Community Impact (Unrestricted) | A flexible, future-oriented fund established to meet a broad range of local needs today and tomorrow. Grants address pressing issues as they arise, support innovative ideas and programs, advance equity, and strengthen nonprofit organizations. • Fund Agreement • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Supports changing community needs forever in a name of the donor’s choosing. The Community Foundation handles the grant research, administration, and distribution on the donor’s behalf. | $25,000 |
Gifts for Favorite Causes
Field of Interest | A fund that benefits causes in a particular field of interest to the donor. The Community Foundation accepts proposals from nonprofits and recommends grants. • Fund Agreement • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Matches grantmaking with donor interests. Allows flexibility to provide grants for new organizations programs in the future. | $25,000 |
Scholarship | A fund that provides scholarships to students. A committee recommends grants. Fund Agreement • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Allows donors to recognize outstanding students or those studying in a particular field. It is also an excellent vehicle for honoring or memorializing someone. | $50,000 |
Gifts for Specific Charities
Donor Advised or Charitable Investor Fund | A fund established by a donor to support his or her charitable interests over time. The donor recommends grants. • Donor Advised Fund Agreement • Charitable Investor Fund Form (Fillable Word doc or PDF) • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Attractive alternative to private foundation. Offers flexibility, actively involves donors and successors in grantmaking, and can fund a legacy gift. Our Charitable Investor option allows you to choose your investment mix and spend both principal and income. | $25,000 (DAF) $50,000 (CIF) |
Designated | An endowed fund established by a donor to benefit one or more specified charities. The charities receive annual grants. • Fund Agreement • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Endows annual giving, provides professionally managed support for smaller organizations, and will always support the cause even if an organization closes its doors. | $25,000 |
A fund established by a nonprofit to create an endowment. The nonprofit may receive an annual grant or reinvest income. • Fund Agreement • Organization Information Form | Organizations can create an endowment fund with professional management and low fees. | $50,000 | |
Charitable Checking AccountSM | A fund that offers convenient current giving. The donor recommends grants. Fund principal is guaranteed. • Fillable Information and Authorization Form (Word Doc) • Information and Authorization Form (PDF) | Allows donors to make contributions to the fund as needed, then request grants to nonprofit organizations of their choosing. | $10,000 |
All invested funds may gain or lose value.