Sharon Marie All Memorial Scholarship
Purpose of Scholarship
To provide financial assistance for tuition, books, or other educational expenses to a graduating senior at Newark High School who will be attending college.Application Period
November 1 to April 1
Number and Size of Awards
One award of $4,000; paid in one-half the total award in both the Fall and Spring semesters.
Allowed Use of Award
Awards may be used for tuition, fees, books, and other expenses associated with higher education.
Eligibility Criteria
For a graduating senior of Newark High School who:- Has a 3.6 GPA (90 percent) or higher, and
- Goes above and beyond what is required and makes a difference through community service.
Application Process
The application process is coordinated through the Newark High School Counseling Office, where application instructions are also available.Committee/Selection Process
The selection process is coordinated through Newark High School. A scholarship selection committee reviews applications, selects a recipient, and informs the Community Foundation.Award Announcement and Payment
The Community Foundation emails a certificate to the high school for presentation to the recipient and emails an award notification with instructions for claiming the award to the recipient in the Spring. Payment is mailed to the school for the recipient's account in two equal installments for the Fall and Spring semesters. To release the initial Fall semester payment, upload the requested and required information including your class schedule and tuition bill verifying full-time enrollment in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics program to the Community Foundation’s online Scholarship Acceptance and Renewal Form between July 1 and August 15. To release the Spring semester payment, upload the requested and required information including your unofficial transcript, class schedule and tuition bill to verify continued full-time enrollment and a minimum 3.0 GPA to the Community Foundation’s online Scholarship Portal. Scholarships not claimed within the assigned semester will be forfeited. Email scholarships@racf.org with any questions or concerns.Renewability
This scholarship is a one-time award and is not renewable.Donor Information
This scholarship was created by the All family in memory of Sharon Marie All, a dedicated, hardworking, and successful woman who devoted her life to the community and her family. She touched many lives through her volunteerism in both the classroom and in the community, by opening her home and heart to foster children and foreign exchange students, and inspiring children to become all that they could be. Learn more about Sharon Marie. To learn more about Sharon, click here. To make your own gift to this fund, click here.Questions?
Email Scholarships@racf.org or call 585.341.4350 for assistance.
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